
[Video: Orlando Sentinel]
Filed Under: SEC Football
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monsterballads107 months
he can't even lie good
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19107 months
Sorry yall, that's just not sincere to me at all.
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Dignan107 months
If you've seen a picture of his chest tattoo, you'd realize the kid has very poor judgement.
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FlyingTiger85107 months
He must be a communications major. Solid speech.
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HailFreezusOver107 months
with the increase in testosterone comes the increase in Estrogen.
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AA7107 months
So fake. He knew exactly what he was taking.
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the808bass107 months
That didn't even move the needle with me. Not Oscar-worthy.
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SwayzeBalla107 months
Gator quarterbacks always crying
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BowlJackson107 months
Roids make you emotional
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