UPDATED: Here's video of him...

As far as QBs go, Former Kentucky QB Jared Lorenzen was a big guy when he played for the Wildcats and New York Giants. Well, if that was big, this is enormous. Lorenzen is currently weighing in at 320 and playing for the Northern Kentucky River Monsters of the CIFL. Check it out...

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You can see a video of him scrambling and making a play here.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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BigRobHog132 months
Do you weigh 320 lbs?
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NYCAuburn132 months
I can throw better than that
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QJenk132 months
I imagine him and Jamarcus Russel would make good friends
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Billy Ray Valentine132 months
mmmm.....side boob
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Woverw132 months
That's a lot of balling . . .
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Clyde Tipton132 months
The Hefty Lefty is still slinging it...
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LSU 318 LSU132 months
Jared be nimble; Jared be quick
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Chicken132 months
They call him "Lord of Ring Dings"...
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