It's all about keeping the recruits and their families happy. Tennessee head football coach Butch Jones and his staff wished 5-star defensive tackle Kahlil McKenzie's parents a happy anniversary using helmets, of course...
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Really out-of-the-box thinking here, guys.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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gizmoflak123 months
I just threw up in my mouth
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Pavoloco83123 months
Thats a bit desperate.
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mcpotiger123 months
Jones has brought this kind of crap to ridiculous new heights. Silly & pathetic
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springsvol123 months
His dad was a Vol, that's probably why they did it.
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gamecocks22123 months
seems pathetic
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TT9123 months
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Jones is the worse snake oil salesman if them all.
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RummelTiger123 months
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runningTiger123 months
thanks lar
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RandySavage123 months
Recruiting has gotten so ridiculous. These coaches have to be dying a little bit inside at the lengths they have to go to to get high school kids to like them.
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