For the second straight year Ole Miss upset Alabama on Saturday night. Immediately following the game the Oxford Police Department decided to troll Crimson Tide super fan Harvey Updyke...
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The, of course, Updyke responded...
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Remember Harvey?

Filed Under: SEC Football
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DoubleDown108 months
Ole Miss, not handling success very well.
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Kyrie Eleison108 months
OPD just awesomed all over the place.

frick that guy...
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billf7095108 months
Really unprofessional for the Oxford PD to send out that message.

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Rebel Land Shark108 months
BradPitt right now:

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BradPitt108 months
What damage could Updyke possibly do to the Old Mrs. community college campus and the one horse hellhole of Oxfart? If anything, he'd be improving it.
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BowDownToLSU108 months
He lives in LP now, north of Albany. Some guys I know have made friends with him. They say he an "ok" guy, that made a huge mistake and wants to move on with his life
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cheo25108 months
Typical Ole Miss fans. Can't handle success.

Pretty sad when an official Twitter account of a government agency is trolling someone. Pretty unprofessional and someone should be fired.
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Dignan108 months
Calling him a total piece of shite is implied because he's a Crimson Tide Super Fan.
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blueboy108 months
Please don't refer to Harvey as "Crimson Tide super fan." He doesn't deserve a non-insulting moniker. "Total piece of shite" would be a lot more deserving and accurate.
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Dignan108 months
What a disturbed little man.
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JuiceTerry108 months
Bye bye Grove. It was fun while it lasted.
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