Ole Miss was preparing for their game against Florida this week by enjoying some alligator meat...
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No word on whether the Gators had some Rebel meat. That sounds weird.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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CCTider107 months
Lol. Larry was ashamed into editing out the gross part.

And no big deal. I've ate gator tail every time Bama played Florida while I lived in Louisiana. It's good, but what isn't when it's battered and fried.
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HideChaKidz107 months
And the Gators ate the rebels on the field
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Johnny3tears107 months
Did not help them
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TDFreak107 months
The Black Bears are choking on that Gator meat!
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BradPitt107 months
And now... Old Mrs' anal cavity is swallowing alligator cock.
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hg107 months
Looks like they might have ate crocodile by mistake.
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RBWilliams8107 months
Alagator is delicious and we make it every year when we play florida. I was coming here to say "so what" but I see they fed the team. carry on.
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RummelTiger107 months
Gross? For fricks sake, Larry...
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MardiGrasCajun107 months
I had some gator today, too.
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X Carter Is Fast107 months
How do you live in Louisiana and think gator meat is gross
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