Rapper Rick Ross was on ESPN’s “Highly Questionable” show with Dan Le Batard and Bomani Jones on Wednesday. That's where he shared a story about Browns QB Johnny Manziel and A&M coach Kevin Sumlin attending one of his parties in Miami last year. He even said Sumlin was the "life of the party." Starts around the 1:35 mark...

Filed Under: SEC Football
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arowana119 months
That's Stalley
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lsu480119 months
That dude is probably the most well-spoken rapper I have ever heard, there is no way he is Rick Ross!
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jg8623119 months
Still waiting for Rick Ross....
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jg8623119 months
Still waiting for Rick Ross....
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diddydirtyAubie119 months
Bomani is a bigger race baiter than Jemelle Hill
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YStar119 months
Great interview by Dan and Bomani
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