I think this is what most of us felt during Saturday night's LSU vs. Arkansas game.
Warning: Language is NSFW...
Filed Under: SEC Football
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damnedoldtigah122 months
"Are dentures supposed to easily come out like that?"

Chicken, I'm pushing 60 and I hope I never have the opportunity to find out first hand. However, that said, yes I have known of some folks in earlier generations who did have that type of trouble hanging onto their teeth. Gum and bone shrinkage can contribute to this.
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lsu480122 months
So awesome!
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HeadSlash122 months
Chicken, you should know this. Ask Hillary.
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djangochained122 months
That is great
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Chicken122 months
Are dentures supposed to easily come out like that?
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Mike da Tigah122 months
Good Lord.. It's teenagers playing football man, and you don't even suit up. LOL.. Get mad at something that really matters like your government screwing you, taxes, the economy, or outsourcing your job.

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SHOCKTIDE122 months
All the years the Lswho fans cause trouble in the stands. Turnabout fair play. Old man was mad and could not stand the fans giving him the business.
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BRMIKEY122 months
Nice save....
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BIGJLAW122 months
That is like any other day with those people
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