We've seen a lot of trolling SEC license plates over the years, but I like this one's moxie. Check out this Alabama fan's plate that goes after Tennessee with a “TN LOL”...
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BlackPawnMartyr112 months
Is that your infamous fathers car, Larry?
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kudzoo112 months
10RC fans aren't used to seeing cars not on blocks.
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Rebel Land Shark112 months
"But, I bet they have more money in the bank than you do."

I'll take a perma ban bet with you on that
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jptiger2009112 months
"Accord's are for pussy's"

But, I bet they have more money in the bank than you do.
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Rebel Land Shark112 months
Accord's are for pussy's
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Phat Phil112 months
NBama drives a white Accord LOL
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