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re: Can someone explain to me why King's fumble should have been a targeting call.....

Posted on 11/30/24 at 1:03 am to
Posted by djsdawg
Member since Apr 2015
35934 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 1:03 am to

Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. At initial contact, a runner's head will continue moving forward if contacted in the chest or torso. Same way your head goes backwards when you're hit from behind in a car. I don't know if it was targeting or not but physics isn't the right argument against.

Yep. The ball popping loose makes it seem like it wasn’t targeting.
This post was edited on 11/30/24 at 1:07 am
Posted by 3down10
Member since Sep 2014
28089 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 1:05 am to

Get out of here dude nobody is calling that shite spearing in 1980 are you insane. There are so many videos of dudes launching themselves with their heads -that's truly targeting...this isn't even close

Launching with your head was not spearing and not a penalty. Launching with your head down and leading with the crown was.

If you keep your head relatively up, it's not going to get called. And helmet to helmet was not spearing, low man wins. That all changed when targeting was introduced.

If you kept your head up, you could knock the shite out of people still.
This post was edited on 11/30/24 at 1:07 am
Posted by koreandawg
South Korea
Member since Sep 2015
10395 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 1:33 am to

Well, it's all targeting now and it wasn't called for unintentional hits very often at all.

Okay, I'm gonna ask it one more time. Tell me the last time you've seen it called when the offensive players head or neck area weren't involved?

Will accept game and time of game and I'll try to find it myself if it's on YouTube.
Posted by koreandawg
South Korea
Member since Sep 2015
10395 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 1:33 am to

Well, it's all targeting now and it wasn't called for unintentional hits very often at all.

Okay, I'm gonna ask it one more time. Tell me the last time you've seen it called when the offensive players head or neck area weren't involved?

Will accept game and time of game and I'll try to find it myself if it's on YouTube.
Posted by Bamadog75
Member since Mar 2017
1420 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 1:46 am to
Shut the hell up, you are a whiny bitch. You know it was targeting and everone else knows it to. Just accept it was and say it was a bullshite call and that you don't care. Besides that crap call , Georgia got a no hold on a obvious hold when it was 2nd and 9 at the end of the game ,should have been 2nd and 19. You may have converted but it would have been harder than 3rd and 9.

On the targeting call they should have at least reviewed it at least. I'm a bama fan got no dog in the fight but I saw at least five or six bad calls against tech in the last 5 minutes of the game. And I'm not pulling against Georgia for bama to get in the playoffs because I don't think they deserve it at all and shouldn't be in.
Posted by DrewDawg13
Member since Apr 2015
3782 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 1:49 am to

Shut the hell up, you are a whiny bitch. You know it was targeting and everone else knows it to. Just accept it was and say it was a bullshite call and that you don't care. Besides that crap call , Georgia got a no hold on a obvious hold when it was 2nd and 9 at the end of the game ,should have been 2nd and 19. You may have converted but it would have been harder than 3rd and 9.

On the targeting call they should have at least reviewed it at least. I'm a bama fan got no dog in the fight but I saw at least five or six bad calls against tech in the last 5 minutes of the game. And I'm not pulling against Georgia for bama to get in the playoffs because I don't think they deserve it at all and shouldn't be in

Another delicious melt
Posted by koreandawg
South Korea
Member since Sep 2015
10395 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 2:16 am to

Shut the hell up, you are a whiny bitch. You know it was targeting and everone else knows it to. Just accept it was and say it was a bullshite call and that you don't care. Besides that crap call , Georgia got a no hold on a obvious hold when it was 2nd and 9 at the end of the game ,should have been 2nd and 19. You may have converted but it would have been harder than 3rd and 9.

On the targeting call they should have at least reviewed it at least. I'm a bama fan got no dog in the fight but I saw at least five or six bad calls against tech in the last 5 minutes of the game. And I'm not pulling against Georgia for bama to get in the playoffs because I don't think they deserve it at all and shouldn't be in.

So I'll take that as none of you can remember. Got it.

Tell Willie I said hello.
Posted by plazadweller
South Georgia
Member since Jul 2011
11595 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 3:46 am to
The rule was implemented to protect the Ga player not Haynes King. Tackling with the top of the helmet can cause neck/spine injuries. This is exactly how Chucky Mullins was paralyzed in a football game
Posted by Locoguan0
Baton Rouge, LA
Member since Nov 2017
5422 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 4:29 am to
There are two purposes for targeting. The one that gets called is to protect the runner. The one that rarely gets called is the other, to protect the defender. I've seen, in person, the result of a crown hit.
Posted by TNTigerman
James Island
Member since Sep 2012
10998 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 4:51 am to
Led with crown of the helmet. Doesn't matter if it's not a direct blow to the head. When they turn a bit after the hit, the UGA defender's crown of the head is buried in QB's chest.

Posted by MikkUGA
Member since Jun 2014
1161 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 4:52 am to
These pussies are ruining football. If these bitches can't handle football go play flag football or watch soccer where bitch boys like them flop around like they are dying when they are barely touched. That stupid shite is already starting to make it's way into football.
This post was edited on 11/30/24 at 4:55 am
Posted by Lonnie Utah
Member since Jul 2012
27807 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 4:58 am to

You can see kings head pop back

Not all helmet to helmet hits are targeting. To be targeting, the player has to defenseless. By rule, he wasn't defenseless.
Posted by MikkUGA
Member since Jun 2014
1161 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 4:58 am to
You are being a whiny pussy because you still think Bama has a chance to make the playoff.......let me bring you to reality, it's not happening.
Posted by volinktown
Member since Apr 2017
515 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 5:10 am to
It's clearly King's helmet was hit.
If King's helmet is moving because of a hard hit on King's chest, the helmet moves forward, not backward.
Posted by AlbinoGator
Member since Oct 2016
2202 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 5:17 am to
Remember the Florida player that got called for targeting against aTm.
He was in the air catching the ball and the Florida players helmet literally hit him on his butt. AND they called targeting

Worst targeting call I've ever seen
Posted by theballguy
Go Dawgs sic' em woof woof woof
Member since Oct 2011
11630 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 5:20 am to
I can tell you why everyone thought it should have been.

Jealousy and anger.
Posted by TigerLunatik
Baton Rouge, LA
Member since Jan 2005
96471 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 5:26 am to

Okay, I'm gonna ask it one more time. Tell me the last time you've seen it called when the offensive players head or neck area weren't involved?

It happened in the championship game against Skalski...

You don't have to hit a player in the head anymore to get called for targeting. Any use of the crown of the helmet is being called. It's to protect the defender.

I can't remember which game it was, but we had a guy get hurt covering a kickoff and he got called for targeting for the same situation. The play being talked about in the OP is absolutely targeting by rule even though most of us love seeing the big hit.
Posted by boXerrumble
Member since Sep 2011
53366 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 5:31 am to

Okay, I'm gonna ask it one more time. Tell me the last time you've seen it called when the offensive players head or neck area weren't involved?

Will accept game and time of game and I'll try to find it myself if it's on YouTube.

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Posted by Smokeyone
Maryville Tn
Member since Jul 2016
19146 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 5:31 am to
Lead with the crown of his helmet. From your statement I’m guessing you never played tackle football because the tackle is dangerous for the tackler. Hell a guy died this week over that kind of tackle. Yes the head can move and compress the sine causing serious damage.
Posted by TigerLunatik
Baton Rouge, LA
Member since Jan 2005
96471 posts
Posted on 11/30/24 at 5:32 am to

Okay, I'm gonna ask it one more time. Tell me the last time you've seen it called when the offensive players head or neck area weren't involved?

Here is the LSU player being called for targeting as he's carried off on a stretcher after hitting a guy in the hip.

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