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Arkansas fans….
Posted on 2/4/25 at 6:21 pm
Posted on 2/4/25 at 6:21 pm
How is Nolan Richardson doing these days? I never hear about him unless that’s how he wants it to be. Is he still around the program in any measure? He had some great teams and I miss his style of coaching these days.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 6:29 pm to Oklahomey
He took part in that multi-part history of SEC basketball documentary a while back. It is good. You newcomers to the conference should definitely check it out.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 6:36 pm to Oklahomey
There's a video of him talking to this year's team out there. He comes to all or most of the games.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 7:01 pm to Oklahomey
His wife passed away last year so I imagine he probably had a difficult time adjusting to that but he still comes to games.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 7:08 pm to Oklahomey
He’s at most home games. He’s getting a bit older for sure and is getting around pretty slow. When the cameras find him at his seat each game in the arena, he still manages the strength to get up and wave to fans.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 8:12 pm to Oklahomey
I mentioned a couple of weeks back that Nolan Richardson and Norm Stewart participated in a basketball camp a few years back, talking to the young players about the fundamentals of basketball.
Sure hope those kids took it all in and carried that advice with them.
Sure hope those kids took it all in and carried that advice with them.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 8:41 pm to Tigerfan0318
Nolan had been calling in to a local radio station once a week to talk basketball and talk to fans.
Not sure if he's done it this year as I haven't listened in a long time. Still got a great mind.
Not sure if he's done it this year as I haven't listened in a long time. Still got a great mind.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 8:49 pm to Oklahomey
Like most have said, he’s getting up there but still has a great mind and love his basketball shop talk. Still goes to most home games. If you ever get the chance, read up on him - winner pretty much his whole life. When I was a kid, it was fricking scary and awesome watching him coach and make dudes like Todd Day and Cory Beck piss their pants because they knew how much they’d be running if/when they screwed up.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 8:53 pm to Oklahomey
Miss Nolan and Billy Tubbs! Tubbs was so funny in addition to being a great coach. And it made for a great rivalry when Norm was still around.
I still remember that time Tubbs was asked by the refs to take the mic at a game in Norman where my Tigers had jumped out to a big early lead, and OU fans were throwing stuff on the floor. He took the mic and said something like:
"The referees requested that regardless of how terrible the officiating is, do not throw stuff on the floor."
Of course, it was an instant T, and, of course, OU came back and won the game.
I still remember that time Tubbs was asked by the refs to take the mic at a game in Norman where my Tigers had jumped out to a big early lead, and OU fans were throwing stuff on the floor. He took the mic and said something like:
"The referees requested that regardless of how terrible the officiating is, do not throw stuff on the floor."
Of course, it was an instant T, and, of course, OU came back and won the game.
This post was edited on 2/4/25 at 8:58 pm
Posted on 2/4/25 at 8:58 pm to JeffLebowski
Shooter reminds us almost weekly: "A raggedy ride is better than a smooth walk"
Posted on 2/4/25 at 9:10 pm to Columbia
Big eight days were the best basketball has seen .
Posted on 2/4/25 at 11:18 pm to TDCat
Gotta love The Shoota! Bradley is also awesome. As a lifetime Hog fan who watched him play when I was young, it’s great to see him doing so well. Biased. Also like him over Jimmy Dykes.
Posted on 2/5/25 at 8:47 am to Soonerd78
Big eight days were the best basketball has seen
Talk about memorable coaches:
Norm Stewart at MU
Billy Tubbs and Kelvin Sampson at OU
Johnny Orr at ISU
Jack Hartman, Lon Kruger, Dana Altman at KSU
Ted Owens, Larry Brown, Roy Williams at ku
Leonard Hamilton and Eddie Sutton at OSU
Moe Iba at NU
And Mizzou had some historic Braggin' Rights games against Lou Henson at Illinois.
SEC has that level of coaching now.
Posted on 2/5/25 at 8:54 am to Oklahomey
Loved when he talked to the team this year. For a brief few seconds, you heard the exact coach he was and still had that fire of his youth. I love to hear Nolan speak everytime.
He truly was/is a trailblazer.
He truly was/is a trailblazer.
Posted on 2/5/25 at 10:16 am to 6columns
Miss Nolan and Billy Tubbs!
For several years in the 90's I volunteered at Nolan's golf tournament in Rogers because a charity I was involved with got some of the proceeds. He brought in all of the big name coaches to play. My buddy and I would sit on a Par-3 where a hole-in-one got you a Cadillac.
Almost all of the coaches were awesome to us. Billy Tubbs stood out as exceptionally nice and also hilarious. One year Billy showed up on Day 2 of the tournament in the same clothes as the day before. The guys in his group said the last they saw him was at 1:00am in a bar with poles and dancers. He had just ordered another pitcher of margaritas when the other guys tapped out and went back to their hotels.
Nicest guys I met at that tournament were Tubby Smith, Billy Tubbs and Mike Anderson. Also... Fun Fact... Steve Atwater joined one year at the BBQ at Nolan's ranch. He pulled up in a brand new Suburban. Nolan had a Bull Mastif named Bear who was the goofiest and nicest dog in the world Steve Atwater was petrified of dogs and wouldn't get out of his car until Mrs. Rose put the dog inside the house.
Posted on 2/5/25 at 10:27 am to Oklahomey
They don't make those coaches like they did once upon a time.
Large part of the reason the B12 turned into such a basketball power house for so long.
Large part of the reason the B12 turned into such a basketball power house for so long.
Posted on 2/5/25 at 10:28 am to Soonerd78
Big eight days were the best basketball has seen .
Maybe. But, Big East Big Monday back in the day had some hellacious games.
Posted on 2/5/25 at 10:54 am to Oklahomey
He's still going thank God.
I used to bank at the same bank Nolan did. The little Arvest branch on Garland next to Harps and for like a year our schedules synced up to where we were both there depositing checks (back in the old, old days) on the same day. Though I'm willing to bet Nolan was depositing checks that were quite a bit larger than mine.
Really nice guy. Greeted me by name after I introduced myself that first time. Asked about my parents and how I was doing in my classes every time.
I used to bank at the same bank Nolan did. The little Arvest branch on Garland next to Harps and for like a year our schedules synced up to where we were both there depositing checks (back in the old, old days) on the same day. Though I'm willing to bet Nolan was depositing checks that were quite a bit larger than mine.
Really nice guy. Greeted me by name after I introduced myself that first time. Asked about my parents and how I was doing in my classes every time.
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