Ole Miss had their legendary QB Archie Manning pick out their uniforms for then they take on Oklahoma State in the Sugar Bowl on New Year's Day. And Archie selected this cool combo...
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Filed Under: Ole Miss Sports
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TigerDeBaiter110 months
They look like the uniforms they've been wearing.
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BobABooey110 months
Let's be honest - who cares?
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Fus0623110 months
Um...they've worn these before, nothing earth shattering
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Nat58110 months
Pick out jail uniform for the dope smoking outlaws
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kjanchild110 months
Screw Archie
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pellietigersaint110 months
Ole Miss uni? No fricks given. I hope Okie St. makes em quit
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Rebel Land Shark110 months
"who cares?"

Archie Manning
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Hugo Stiglitz110 months
What did Archie have, like two uniform options. Good job old man.
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Flair Chops110 months
I wish he would have picked out Tampa Bay Creamsicles with the pirate logo helmets
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TommyDaTiger110 months
Pants come complete with extra padding, just in case you fall out a 4th story hotel window
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kpg4842110 months
Screw you Archie! Move out of louisiana you a-hole.
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Placebeaux110 months
Can a brother get those in Emergency Room ?
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