Missouri basketball coach Dennis Gates surprised a lot of people this week when he said he'd like the NCAA to double its field for the tournament. What? 136 teams?...
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Billy Mays23 months
There should be multiple tournament bc that's the only college basketball that is watchable (unless it's your own team).
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Between TheHedges23 months
Very team in the country should make the tournament, expansion is always better!
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Between TheHedges23 months
Great idea!
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bcoop19923 months
Hell no to that.
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KennabraTiger23 months
What a dumbass
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Lynxrufus201223 months
Great teams not in the top 68? Ok good teams maybe. That is why they have the NIT.
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young man tiger23 months
There are no great teams left out of the tournament. If they were great, they would be in the tournament. There aren’t many great teams that even make the tournament. I think we can read between the lines on this one and see what he’s getting at.
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CanebreakCajun23 months
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RidiculousHype23 months
Some great coaches & players who went like 6-12 in conference play. Yeah, no thanks.
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