Former Mississippi State softball player Brylie St. Clair checks in on day one of the new year...

Hi 2025

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WhatItDo1 month
The link is broken. She probably got news you were stalking her and took it down.
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Klark Kent1 month
Larry, it’s time to retire this chick as far as making TD posts about her. There are hundreds if not thousands of chicks on the internet who can cake their face with pounds of makeup and look as good as this chick. she’s nothing special.
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Popstiger1 month
You must not have made the effort to look her up. Very attractive young lady. Why would you choose to bash on her? Did she turn you down for a date or something?

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Shaq4prez1 month
She doesn't play ball anymore. Her novelty has expired. Let her evaporate please. Signed, Everyone single person on TD
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robertgamb1 month
She needs a rack!
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