Not the smartest way to get your players to play for you, Florida...
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Filed Under: Florida Sports
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bigDgator15 months
We all must make sacrifices for art.
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PeleofAnalytics15 months
The photoshoot was likely planned and setup but 4-5 "men" who never put on a set of cleats in their life. Gotta watch out for people like that.
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tigerpawl15 months
Harm's Way? My, how the definition of harm has changed.
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Magazine St15 months
Possible injuries…
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UFMatt15 months
Better than a coach dry humping the recruits like one coach near and dear to LSU fans.
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BeachTiger201815 months
Didn't happen but sorry your program is only 3rd or 4th best in the state of Florida.
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TigerDeacon15 months
Glen Guilbeau is that you?
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CCTider15 months

That shite will be get old.
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KennabraTiger15 months
Idiotic program
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Gaston15 months
Lol. My son was standing on that thing Friday…the other kid in shoot busted his arse trying some pose too.
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soccerfüt15 months
Florida: The intersection of Stupid and Weird
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